Rescuers Discussion Questions
- View the movie Schindler's list and describe his acts of heroism.
- If you were in danger of being killed for your actions, would you help others escape Nazi persecution?
- How would you suggest dealing terms with humanitarian crimes if committed by your country?
- Who would you consider responsible for Nazi crimes, those who made the laws of persecution, those who carried them out, those who did not interfere?
- Discuss the following question: "Do you think that a bystander is guilty of the crime s/he stands by and lets happen?"
- Identify the risks of helping or even being associated with someone considered "undesirable" by Nazi policy.
- Analyze the dilemma of the bystander in Nazi Europe.
- Many Jewish children were sent to England during World War II to be kept safe. Research the Kindertransport and use evidence to explain if the program was, in your opinion, a good solution to the problem.
- Discuss current acts of persecution of certain groups in today's newspapers and magazines.
- Discuss the irony in Raoul Wallenberg's life story and mysterious disappearance.
- What role did Nazi resistance fighters play in aiding victims of persecution?
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College of Education, University of South Florida © 2000.